a blog about a family with members who's names include Elena, Esther, Evan, Lindsay and Nina (in alphabetic order).

I stole this photo of Nina from Jaqui's facebook :) How could I resist? It's from Saturday. They came up to the netherland of kenmore (it's kinda far from Tacoma) to hang out. We went to the university district and ate Pho, had fun, took photos, and other f sounding alliterations. buFFalo exchange. driving Fast. Free parking. Anyways. We love the Shumates.
Nina is now:
2.5 months old
14.2 lbs.
24.5 inches long
which puts her in the 93rd percentile in weight, and 90th in height. She's the size of an average 4 1/2 month old. Yesterday at Teresa's birthday party Teresa said that I feed Nina cream. Which explains why Nina's poo smells like butter to me. (She churns cream into butter) Too much information? sorry....
Labels: Nina
Three weeks ago was awesome. This weekend was also awesome. Also last week was awesome. POSSIBLY secondary to the awesomeness of three weeks ago, so I'll start there. And it was when Nina got her baby blessing so I really want to share that experience. Grandma and Grandpa Searle came in by train from Kalispell for the blessing. Surrounded by her 2 grandpas, 4 great grandpas, Christian, and the bishop, Evan gave Nina her blessing on Jan 18th. It was at the Macdonald's ward in Tacoma. It was a beautiful sunny day (did we mention that we didn't see the sun the first like
TWELVE days we were here?). Grandma and Grandpa Searle were out in the car waiting to drive to the building when Evan carried Nina out to meet them. I was inside running around getting ready, which is probably a good thing because if I had been there when Grandma Fay met Nina Fay I think I would have started bawling. I love these two little ladies so much. After the blessing, Jaqui took some pictures of us afterwards, which are posted on
her photography blog, thanks Jaqs!! Check them out there to see more of us from that day. (the last three of Nina are actually from this last weekend)
Everything about it all was just amazingly joyful. Being a parent adds dimensions to your life that you never knew existed. To see a life unfold before your eyes and be invited to participate, it's incredible. The blessing Nina received gave us perspective on who this beautiful little person is and who Heavenly Father is helping her to become. One of the things that stuck out to me the most is that she was blessed with the ability to love everyone around her. I don't know if there's any greater spiritual gift that a person can cultivate than love.
I loved spending time with my grandparents. After the blessing we had a scrumptulescent feast at the machouse for Nina, and for Grandma Searle (88) and Grandma Knudsen's (65) birthdays. Monday, we went to the Oshkosh outlet in Woodinville where Grandma Searle picked out some stuff for Nina. Grandma also gave us a book with stories and photos and charts of her and grandpa's families. She spent hours getting it ready to give to me. I'm planning on scanning it all in and making a disc to store so we have a hard copy. We spent a few hours turning the pages, story after story. I doubt I'll be able to remember it all but I heard that Janet has been writing a lot of those stories down. I never knew that my grandma still refers to her late father as daddy.
Friday we spent the night at the falls and the MacD grandparents met Nina for the first time. The next morning we went snowboarding at White Pass. It was icy so I was scared to death to try carving since it was the first time I've been since I took lessons at Targhee 6 years ago. Kenia crashed into me as I crashed into the ice at one point. LOts of gnarly bruises. Teresa and Kristy watched Nina (zonked out the WHOLE time!) and kept us fueled. We owe them a big thank you. It was the most fresh air and exercise I've gotten since before I was pregnant I think. Booya I loved it. I think it may have also been the first time I've spent an entire day with Bryce and that is a marvel and a wonder. (minus Honduras) Did you know that Bryce records a new update each week on his 'voice mail diaries'? It's pretty rad. I've also been enjoying Kenia's stories from Honduras. When she first came here in August she was a quiet little bird. Now she talks all the time and when I'm around, usually I'm the one she talks with since I can speak spanish with her. Her english is getting better but it's still a struggle. Speaking a new unfamiliar language all day every day is exhausting. Not to mention all the new cultural things and new food she's still adjusting to. It takes a long time. Throw all that in with being a teenager. She is really doing an amazingly.

Meeting Grandma MacDonald for the first time! Look closely at Nina...

Nina's first peace sign. She's got high hopes for the world she's now a part of.

With uncle Bryce

At the falls, after Grammy gave her a bath.
Well there are more pictures of stuff but they are on other people's cameras. So I'll try to get some of the photos on here soon. Loves