a blog about a family with members who's names include Elena, Esther, Evan, Lindsay and Nina (in alphabetic order).
It's official, Nina and Elena have cousins in the state of washington! Better yet, right here in the puget sound region. Like 15 minutes away. It is awesome!! (germ sharing excluded, I'm sure we all agree) Cassy and Don just moved here from Boise. Nina LOVES these crazy boys. If I want to brighten her day some more, all I have to do is tell her when the next time is that she'll see Bowen.. whom she calls "Bonen".
Rosalie had planned a morning at Discovery Park this last Saturday, and last minute we shoved Ethan and Spencer in the back rear facing seat of our new car (more on that later hopefully). They seemed to really like it back there, especially cruising up and down hills through magnolia. We found the indoor nature/discovery kids areas at the park which had lots of stuff to play with and learn about. Also found a special needs swing that Nina LOVED as well as a zipline swing. Hadn't ever heard of such a thing before. Definitely going back to play there some more. Then we made it to the beach just as the sun broke through the clouds. Ethan wouldn't let me take any pictures of him!! So I found one from around Thanksgiving that I had to share:

PS I have to give a shout out to our impromptu lunch choice, which we happened to spot driving past it in in ballard while on the way to eat elsewhere (we still love you, Dicks). El Camion. Seattle isn't known for availability of latino food, so this was a really nice surprise. And I had no idea that taco trucks could rise to such heights of gastronomic grandeur. I love the average taco truck, yes I do. But THIS I had never imagined in my wildest dreams. Dreamy atole, rich mole, baby-size (literally not figuratively) burritos, all fresh and quality.

Happy 1/11/11! I'm hoping we make it a special one.
These were taken on 11/11/10. It makes me think - we've been here going on five months now.
I look at pictures of Nina 6 months ago. She's changing so fast. I have to remember - 6 months is more than 1/4 of her life! I forget how fast she's changing because so much around us has changed at a seemingly faster rate, and time sped up during the holidays. As a final touch of randomness, I leave you with a Nina-ism:
"Fast grape!" (She likes to run fast and one day she happened to have a grape in her hand)