evan, lindsay, nina, elena and esther

a blog about a family with members who's names include Elena, Esther, Evan, Lindsay and Nina (in alphabetic order).

Thursday, January 29, 2009



We found an old black & white photo booth at Third Place Books. I don't think Nina was as thrilled about it as we were haha!

Micaela and Addy, and then Cassy Ethan Spencer & Bowen are all coming out to meet Nina in the next few weeks! We can't wait!! I've heard that 2 yr old Addy has resorted to calling her "banana" after failed attempts at saying Nina. I think I like it! We've heard people saying "nine-a" for Nina (i'm not a fan). We like to call her Ninichka, or Nina boggins, or Nee nee, or Ninners. Or just Nina, which I love.

She's growing soo fast. She's about 13 pounds! Same size or bigger than her 3 month old contemporaries. She's 8 weeks now, and two weeks ago we bagged her newborn clothes and she fit perfectly into the 3 month size!! She received a TON of clothes from her baby shower in August and then hand me downs from cousins. It's been a huge blessing to have an insta-baby wardrobe, and so far we've only bought things for her for fun. She actually has so many clothes, and rarely spits up at all (although Monday she started drooling a little), so she might not need to change clothes all day and there are some things she never got around to wearing. That'll probably start to change around the 9th month or beyond, so we've started picking stuff up here and there. It's been a blast wardrobing another person other than myself! You know that little high you get when you find something you really like and bring it home? (I guess that's just the shopoholic in me) It's like that buying clothes for Nina too! I've been trying to think of other creative ways to girlify her, because.. no offense to anyone, I'm just not into the stretchy headband/giant flower head pieces. I just don't feel it. So I'm looking into getting creative with felt and little pins or other things like that. Also, craigs list is pretty rad here, and thanks to the multitude of one-child families, we're picking up killer deals on practically brand-new things like a Baby Bjorn, hiking baby carriers, and now we're finally looking for a crib. Maybe we'll find a good deal on a jogging stroller.

Other good news - Evan's new MacBook Pro arrived today! It's the new 15 inch model with a black border. He's out grown the other one. So I inherit his old one which is still good enough for the types of things I use a computer for, and he gets a new one. We're figuring out what to do with my old iBook.

So a month ago she slept at night with no trouble from about 10 till 7 am. We were elated. Then her schedule drifted back to being awake and fussy from 10 till 3 or later (like last night). It's getting old! If anyone has any advice, please. We've been told different things. Some say to just love them and follow their own schedule until the third month, and then we can try to change it with her. Others say two months is a good time to let her cry alone until she falls asleep. I don't want to make her suffer if it's too early for it to even work. Any ideas?

Some pictures I've been wanting to share:

From week four, here at our apartment in Kenmore

Probably around the third week - we love setting her up in her car seat so that her waffle blanket forms sort of a hat over her head.

In all her chunky glory perched on our couch. I think this was the 6th or 7th week.

She is SO CUTE guys! Good for you!

With the cry-it-out thing... we didn't let Stella cry too long until she was like 6 months old... But I'm a big softie. I say go with your gut- it's not too small a thing to pray about and just do what you feel is best for her. We tried to avoid sleep scheduling and anything that forced our schedule on her, because in my mind, she's only a baby for so long and I'm not going to ruin the rest of her life by coddling her. I'll end up with spoiled teens, but hey, it's worth it haha! :) Good luck guys looks like you are doing great!
Wow. I can't believe that I get to hang with such awesome girls all the time! I'm always surround by babes!

One little disclaimer: my work bought me the MacBook Pro so I'd me more productive.
I let Andre cry it out at 4 months and he was back to sleeping through the night in 4 day (his crib was right up against my side of the bed - fun times). Harper, on the other hand, taught himself how to sleep through the night. So I would wait a little for crying out.
Btw - I love Ninichka - very Russian and cute :) Hope you guy are doing great.
Ummmm I'll buy your iBook off you! Remind me to tell you about Dream Feeds - it worked wonders, even with my little preemie lovekins. She slept through the night at around 3 months and it was GLORIOUS!
By the way...Banana came about like this (Addy speaking): "Baby Nina? Bay-Nina? BANANA!!!!!" It was hilarious.
ohh she is just adorable. i wish we could see her and hold her! I'm glad you guys will be back in a few months and we can play with our little girls together. i totally agree about the headbands. and though its only happened once, i don't mind if people ask if she is a boy or girl. i would rather them ask then me have to outfit her in all pink and flowers.
I just have to say that the photo booth picture is WAY too cute!
Plus, the other photos are great.

As far as crying it out - I found that setting a time limit (15-30 minutes) helped. As soon as I can get baby on our schedule - it just makes everything run more smoothly. I've had babies that would wake up every night for a year, and others that would sleep through at 4 months. So there really isn't a right answer. Just follow your gut.
I love those nicknames... especially Nininchka, which sounds like a name my Russian grandfather would have said! I'm so glad we were able to see each other twice last week. Hopefully we'll be able to see each other again soon! :)
The blog is looking great! You inspired me to update my wife and I's blog.
She's totally adorable. I like the banana nickname. It works.
-- Melissa
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