evan, lindsay, nina, elena and esther

a blog about a family with members who's names include Elena, Esther, Evan, Lindsay and Nina (in alphabetic order).

Wednesday, October 28, 2009


Flying solo

Tomorrow Evan and Nina are leaving me until Sunday! He's going so he can be there for his sweet Grandma Doris's funeral.

I have this picture that I just found while archiving pictures to keep me company until he gets back!

Grandma Doris was such a great lady. How do I know this about her? For starts, take her youngest son, Gordy, my father in law (who happens to be Evan's twin. in many many ways). What an amazing guy! Her daughter Amy (evan and I's aunt) said this about her mother in a lovely email she sent out to the family this week. I hope she doesn't mind me sharing this part of her email -- "First, I want to express the great spirit of my mother. I have long thought that she knows far more about the true nature of things, than she has ever voiced. Her abiding spirit is a testament to that. She is humility, simplicity, charity, acceptance, love and faith. I am so grateful that she nurtured and raised me."

Evan and I came across this quote the other day -- "We have reason to have the greatest hope and consolation for our dead; for we have seen them walk worthily in our midst, and seen them sink asleep in the arms of Jesus..." - Joseph Smith Isn't that such beautiful imagery? How inspired. And inspiring.

Kyle who's on his mission and can't make it to the funeral said in his email that one of the first thoughts he had when he found out she had passed away was "she is probably dancing".

I would just say that it must take an incredible person to live from the age of 17 and on with rheumatoid arthritis and NOT have that be your defining characteristic. She is a kind bright and positive person.

I'm sorry to hear about Evan's grandma, and for not commenting on your last post. Hope all goes well this week.
Grandma Doris has a beautiful soul. I met her only a few times, but she was always smiling.. Happy to be around her family.

Evan, I am sorry for your families loss. Especially your dad. But what Kyle said is most likely true. And that's something to smile about. :)

Hopefully we will see you and little Nina this weekend!

xoxo [Miss you, Lindsay!]
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