a blog about a family with members who's names include Elena, Esther, Evan, Lindsay and Nina (in alphabetic order).
This last weekend was a breath of fresh air and a very welcome change of pace for all of us. We drove down to utah for a letterpress and poster design workshop at the University of Utah in SLC. I wish I had more pieces to show for it. They pushed us to create posters with spontaneity. Try to get a message or agenda to the audience simply and powerfully. Not my forte. My right brain needed a lot of warming up. We used lino blocks, pressure printing, movable type, zinc type, and any other techniques available. It took me way out of my comfort zone and I think it was a creativity milestone for me. The U of U has an incredible letterpress get up – it’s the largest in the country. At least 20 letter presses, all shapes and sizes. Tens of thousands of movable wood and metal type. We were so lucky to play with it all. You can see all the pictures
Evan’s cousin Katie was sooooo kind and watched Nina for the whole day. We got a taste of what it will be like to be away from Nina for the ELEVEN days out east while she is with our moms in seattle/tacoma. The day was hard for me in that way. I can only imagine how I’ll feel two or three days into our trip east. By the time we pulled up to Katie’s driveway after the day of letterpress we were both flying out of the car and giddy to see her. She did sooo well for being apart a whole day and acted like we had just been out to the store for a few minutes.
On this trip we got to stay with Katie Spencer and Eva for one night and with Evan’s cousins Jenny and Steve the other night. I really enjoyed getting to know Jenny and Steve better. Evan and I went on walks (doesn’t happen on icy/snowy Rexburg sidewalks – not stroller friendly), we averted a car disaster, went to the mall, and ate Indian at the Bombay house in Provo which brought me back to my mission. Ahhhhhhh What a great weekend. I don't think there are better 15 month old travelers than Nina. Not that I've met at least.
At the workshop we were two of 15 participants, and two awesome teachers including
David Wolske. Here is the BYU-I peeps show & tell : *names may be altered for discretion
The placeMaking stuffClean up action