a blog about a family with members who's names include Elena, Esther, Evan, Lindsay and Nina (in alphabetic order).

Made by Rosalie!
A few nights before Halloween I was putting something together for Nina to eat for dinner. I asked her while she sat in her high chair "What would you like to eat?" She thought about it and then said something in a very serious tone that I didn't even know she knew the word for, "Candy". but it was more like "gawnday" hahaaa She trusted me completely with an honest answer. And she expected that's what she would get! It was too much. i didn't even know she could say that. Out of left field.

We picked up a little pumpkin costume for Nina at goodwill a few weeks ago. Good thing, because I never found her size 2 cat costume which she wore last year and was supposed to fit her this year! She had so much fun at our ward's trunk or treat shin dig on Saturday night.
Her first car or two were baffling to her. That these strangers walking around wearing costumes and standing by their cars will drop food in your plastic bucket. After a while she got used to it and strutted around from car to car, watching her pile of candy grow. You can see by this picture of her and her friend Abby how she is taking all this in, costumes and all.

She got really into the pixie stix
AND This wasn't from Halloween, but they're kind of costumey, so i'm tagging them onto this post!